Hohenwald Methodist Women
The Methodist Women of Hohenwald, Tennessee are very devoted to helping Hohenwald UMC, their community, and the world at large. They support the HUMC Radio Ministry; the Benevolence Fund- to help local families that are struggling with life’s basic necessities; the Lewis County Food and Clothing Bank by both giving and volunteering; the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), a denomination-wide disaster response team; and adopting a local class in the Lewis County Intermediate School.
The Hohenwald Methodist Women frequently visit the local nursing home to visit with church members who are residents there.
Meeting are held each month on the second Tuesday at 10:00 AM in the church library. All women of the church are encouraged to participate.
Radio Ministry
The Radio Ministry is the United Methodist Church of Hohenwald’s Radio Program which broadcasts the sermon of one of our previous Sundays’ service on Sunday morning at 11:00. The program has been broadcast for over ten years with great success allowing those members of God’s Family that are unwell or are shut into nursing homes or hospitals or maybe their own house to listen to the service.
WMLR radio is now broadcasting both AM and FM stations reaching even more listeners including inmates and workers at the Lewis County Jail.
This Ministry is a non-budgeted item that relies solely upon individual giving to keep it broadcasting. Please consider a donation
Prayer/Comfort Ministry
The Prayer Comfort Ministry is an ecumenical ministry to support those who are experiencing difficult times and to assure them that others are praying for them and interceding for them. A prayer shawl is made and prayed over, and then given to the recipient, and the makers continue to pray for the recipient daily, that God would hold the recipient in His arms. Other items given include hats, bears, prayer cloths, etc.
Mrs. Larry McCutcheon, a member of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, describes how when she was given a prayer shawl during a difficult time in her life, whenever she wore it, she could feel arms around her, comforting her
Porch Ministry
An auspice of the Christian Witness Committee of the local First United Methodist Church of Hohenwald, the Porch Ministry is the church’s welcoming or house-warming ministry. Under Mrs. Jan Turner’s direction, a visitor of the church or a new-comer to the community is treated to a visit by two members of the ministry and is given a fresh, homemade loaf of bread or dessert, and is invited to the church and any of its numerous activities.
Outreach Update
Nashville Rescue Mission : Hohenwald United Methodist Church members are asked to donate gently-used clothing as well as cold weather items for men, women, and children. Suits, winter coats, blankets, socks and underwear, even doggy coats, were just some of the donations. Special thanks go to the McCutcheon family, who will deliver our goods. We are certainly a caring, giving church. Thank you all!
Our Prayer Shawl are available for distribution in our church library. If you desire to bless someone, pick the shawl that is appropriate (man, woman, style, color, etc.) sign out on the list attracted to the side of the cabinet and deliver the shawl. Each gift bag has all the information necessary for the receiver to understand the significance of this gift. Reading the information aloud as you present the shawl can be very meaningful. This ministry also includes hats, covers, prayer cloths and stuffed animals.
The prayer shawl originates in the Old Testament and was used during worship and private prayer time. Today, a prayer shawl, prayer cover or prayer cloth is meant to bring comfort to the wearer and an awareness of God’s presence in our daily lives. Prayer shawls are prayed over during their construction. Whether in times of distress or moments of joy the shawl reminds the recipient of God’s love and our love. The prayer list on the back of our weekly bulletin reminds each of us to pray for persons who have prayer shawls. This project is world-wide which means there is constant prayer being offered.
If you would like to participate in creating the gifts, please contact Retha Tibbs or Joyce McCutcheon. Classes are available if you want to learn to knit or crochet.
HFUMC Men’s Fellowship
Our Men’s group meets monthly for fellowship which includes community mission projects as well as sponsoring family get togethers like a Pancake Breakfast.